Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Mereka di hati.

Assalamualaikum.. For the second post in the same date but difference times because last night very late for me to update second entry. This post very meaningful, very soft hear ted  because its related to friends. I am very care about my friends feeling even though my heart was hurt but I don't care at all, they are still important to me to care their heart. They want to mad at me, I'm also don't mind. Friends number two very important other than family, because not all the time we are near with family but we have to appreciate friend so much. Sorry to say, I don't choose friend to be my friend but I'm not stupid to choose friend who are not totally care about my feeling. Ahh ! tak payah nak beromputih sangat, poyo nak mampus, tak masuk exam pun pasal friendship ni. Ehh tapi masa zaman sekolah dulu teacher selalu minta student dia tulis karangan pasal kawan. Dah, zaman sekolah tu dah lepas, sekarang ni zaman kampus pulak. Oh by the way, saja nak mention sikit pasal orang yang lahir bulan 5 lima ni which is personality Taurus is Generally these individuals are easy going and even tempered but capable of raging if cornered much and the important thing is "Take care of the sense and everything else will take care of itself". Saja nak bagi si pembaca tau si born in taurus ni macam mana. Nani.. memang tak suka menyusahkan orang, tapi kadang-kadang perangai tak suka menyusahkan orang ni lagi menambah buat orang susah hati. Takpe takpe, nanti nani belajar supaya tak bagi orang lain susah hati pasal saya okay :) mengarut terlebih dah ni, padahal entry ni pasal mereka di hati kot. Cuma nak korang tau, sebesar mana pun masalah yang nani ada, selama mana pun nani senyap, nani tak pernah berhenti fikir pasal korang.. Percayalah. Kalau ada sesiapa yang kurang senang apa yang nani buat, seriously semua tu tanpa sedar. I'll try to care about the other people feeling, my friends feeling. Below, have a some picture that moment 'mereka di hati'.

Redzwan Ismail, he's my best friend. He also one of the top runner from MSU. Ecehh

Geera, my roommate. 

She's my housemate.

Zac, si tembam. Hehe :D

Dari kiri Umi, Dalila and Bahirah. 

Dari kiri Umi, Dalila, Farah. 

Azie :)

All the Diploma classmates.

 Synthia, she's getting married.

Aziah, ni je ada yang gambar. Haish, budak ni tak suka bergambar.

P/S: And also, ex-housemate Pak Dol since 2009 which is Safara, Kak lia, Kak Sya, Kak Hemi, Kak lai, Dura, Kak liza. I love you guys.

We are friends.

Hi Hi Hi Assalamualaikum.. Almost one year ago tak update entry, heyy dunia blogger here I wrote back ! After a long time I didn't write anything, and now its time to nauseating about myself and my friends also. Oh, lupa nak update pasal gigi besi, by the way gigi dah kena cabut sebatang dan lagi sebatang akan dicabut. Bukan nak cerita pasal gigi besi pun, nak cerita pasal sekumpulan budak dan orang juga orang tua, hehehe. We are friends which is the first one yang paling tua whether Hafiz atau Sirwin, double F iaitu Farah Dayana kakak kepada Farah Dalila, also my beloved roommate Geera and the last person is Myself. In a one year, many thing happens to myself, to us. Pahit manis kelat and blablabla semua ada. Yang paling kelakar Sirwin, kalau jumpa tak sah kalau tak gelak, and paling kuat 'tersentuh' dia juga, hehehehe :D Hafiz, I don't know how to describe him sebab dia suka cari gaduh :P Farah Dayana she's very caring person, caring yang tak pernah orang lain nampak. Farah dalila budak kecik ni sangat talkative, she's very the kelakar person :) and my rumet Geera, dia sangat pendiam bila berdepan dengan orang yang dia jarang bercakap tapi bila kat rumah rasanya dia lah paling bising. Tapi orang pendiam tak banyak cakap agak bahaya sikit, dia agak berdendam dan bila sekali keluar cakap mesti boleh sakit hati. Kan kan geera ? :D We have a lot moment, menangis ada banyak gelak ada, apa lagi nak ?  Meh, tengok gambar kami :)

Morning picture before we had hiking Gunung Angsi.

We :)

Heyy girls, we are obey :)

Heading to Taman Ular Sawa.

Terserlah muka takut Sirwin and myself :D

Elehh. Nak mengata la tu. Kan kan ? Comel kot :)

Limited edition kot gambar ni, tak semua boleh tengok Nani pegang haiwan eksotik.

Tengok budak kecik ni.

Last day. They have fun with karaoke exclude me :)

Going back. 18sx